Friday, February 1, 2019

3 Day Mega Crop!

Where do you like to do your paper crafting?

Personally, I enjoy both creating at home as well as going to crops! Last weekend, my friend Kathy and I spent Friday, Saturday and Sunday at a Mega Crop at the Daisy Lane in Mattoon, Illinois.

 We had a terrific time shopping in the store and met some very nice, helpful scrapbookers! My main purchase was a binder for storing embossing folders and a replacement for my broken Sizzix Sidekick.

During the Mega Crop, Kathy continued working on a wonderful album project! She (and her husband) is following the restoration of a historic movie theater (The Grand in Alton, IL). They have collected and taken more than 170 photos for this project.

For this special album, Kathy selected to use the "Vintage Hollywood" collection from Graphic 45. She also uses a Scrap N Easel which is a handy thing for so many reasons. To learn more about her project and the Scrap N Easel, feel free to watch this YouTube video!

While Kathy was busy with her project, I completed 20+ scrapbook pages as well as some birthday cards! For many years, I've made birthday cards for my church home. They are sent to children enrolled in religious education classes on Sunday mornings. Below are photos of some of the cards.

Feedback from parents of children receiving the cards has been very positive. Many children don't get mail very often and it an exciting a memorable thing to get a card on their special day. This feedback keeps me motivated to make and donate cards year after year. About 125-150 cards in total each year.

Until next time, happy paper crafting!


  1. Great to see your blog up and running. It's been a while since I've visited. Your crop sounded like a great crafty time as well as productive. The birthday cards are such a warm gesture and feedback is incentive to never stop. Kudos Emilee!!!

  2. Hi. Been enjoying some of your videos on You Tube. Thanks for sharing.
